1. Name of your team

  2. Introductions of your team members. Photos would be nice!

  3. Topic of your team assignment (if you know it)

  4. State your team goals and explain why you have selected them. How are you going to evaluate your progress towards your goals?

  5. Teamwork division

    1. How did you agree to share responsibilities and roles?
      • Responsibilities and roles have not yet been fully assigned - first, we need to have the kick-off session and look at what particular aspects of the project appeal to us and what we want to do. From there, we expect that each of us will ‘take the lead’ on different stages or aspects of the project, and we encouraged each other to show initiative and volunteer for working on any section of the project that they are interested in.
    2. Who is the project manager and what are her/his tasks?
      • Parnian is the project manager and her job is to settle indecision and delays that the group may experience with deciding what they want to do or if we’re unsure whether to move forward to another stage of the project or whether we still have enough time to debate over what we want to do next. We identified that having a ‘leader’ at least to make final calls and decide when we need to cut our losses and move on will help us avoid spending too much time on the project (recognizing that we have other classes and priorities that we need to balance with this project).
    3. How are you going to communicate, what tools you will use?
      • We have a Telegram chat that we use to regularly communicate with one another
    4. How are you going to make team decisions and solve conflicts?
      • Generally, we will arrive at our decisions collaboratively, but if there are conflicts we need to settle, we will approach them directly and kindly, with a focus on trying to get the team to work together instead of trying to place blame on one another.
  6. Team assignment topic desk research (you can continue this task during the first weeks)

  7. Short summary of each team member’s contribution/tasks and working hours for the team assignment (last week + total). These will be reported in each diary/blog post and summarized at the end of the project.

    Member Name Tasks Number of hours
    Ayesha Exercise group discussion 3
    Carlos Exercise group discussion, making the blog post for this week 5
    Chloe Exercise group discussion 3
    Parnian Exercise group discussion 3
    Talia Exercise group discussion 3