For our MVP, we had 2 ideas for the game flow. The first one was to guess the animal by fact and then find it and the second was to find the animal just by the name.
We made a prototype for both of these in Figma and tested in face to face interviews with 7 people and all of them said they liked the first idea more.
We conducted 5 face to face tests using a Figma prototype designed to simulate the experience of identifying animals in a museum via clues. Each member of the group found one person from their friends circle for this test. Participants interacted with the prototype to pinpoint the correct animal based on the hints provided. When a user selects the incorrect animal, the system presents an additional hint to guide them closer to the right choice. Upon selecting the correct animal, participants had the choice to either continue finding more animals or end the game. As a form of participation incentive, a digital sticker was awarded at the game's conclusion.
During testing, we asked participants several questions to gather feedback: Were there any points of confusion in the game flow? Do you have any suggestions for improving the game's idea or flow? How do you feel about the idea of receiving digital or printed stickers of the animals you've found? Would you be interested in other types of rewards from the game?
For the consent of using their answers, we sent them basic consent forms provided by many HCI courses (referred in blog post 3).
Link to the prototype:
Participant Number | Gender | Age | Country |
1 | Male | 26 | Iran |
2 | Male | 25 | Mexico |
3 | Male | 23 | Pakistan |
4 | Male | 30 | Finland |
5 | Female | 26 | Pakistan |
To analyze the interviews, we made notes of the answers of our 4 questions. Subsequently, in a two-hour meeting, we employed affinity diagramming to categorize and synthesize the interview transcripts.
The affinity diagram along with the notes of the interview is available on our Miro board. For expedited access, a photo of the board's layout has been included below.